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In a fast-paced technology-driven global market, there are companies who have managed to excel and become leaders in innovation and well-being for their employees, promoting sustainable development in their company.

More and more companies are implementing corporate well-being programs to attract and retain talent. A clear example is knowmad mood, formerly atSistemas, a company that has evolved for almost three decades to become one of the leading companies in the technology sector, closing the year 2022 with more than 2,400 people and a turnover of 129.2 million euros.

knowmad mood has managed to make its own mantra where diversity and business go hand in hand by promoting safe spaces that favor a balance between professional life and personal/family life, improving the work-life balance of its employees.


Vivofácil’s contribution to employees’ work-life balance

To further promote the well-being of its employees, knowmad mood partnered with Vivofácil in 2021, a partnership that marked a turning point in its efforts to provide care for people.

They implemented the corporate wellness program “+ vida”. This program addresses key aspects of the social and personal spheres such as physical activity, mental health, nutrition, and financial wellness.

These services also help address employee and family loneliness. The + vida program also includes care for the elderly among the beneficiaries of these services (father, mother, father-in-law, or mother-in-law) to improve the employee’s work-life balance.


Client’s Feedback

knowmad mood’s success is not only a result of its technological focus but also its commitment to the well-being and development of its employees.

Its mission statement, “Technology and innovation with purpose to grow as a team and build a better, more sustainable world,” reflects a culture focused on people, continuous learning, and excellence.

“The care and well-being of people is part of our culture and our strategy. As a company that belongs to the “knowledge economy”, people are our main strategic asset. The integration of services from Vivofácil has been a differential gap that demonstrates, even more, our conviction to be an active player in the caring of our people and their closest environment”.

Juan Martínez, Director of Culture and People Development at knowmad mood.


Tangible results: How does this impact the well-being of the people at knowmad mood?

The partnership with Vivofácil has been a complete success for knowmad mood. With services such as “myAssistant”, medical and psychology advice, legal consulting, and administration, among others, they have been able to achieve high levels of satisfaction among their employees. The assessment of the services is very positive, and it is expected to reach 3,000 uses by 2023.

This alliance has allowed knowmad mood employees to reduce time spent on concerns and paperwork, take better care of themselves, and improve their quality of life in their social, environmental, and family environment.

This has had an impact on their pride of belonging and commitment to the company. The well-being of its people is an essential part of its long-term corporate strategy.

This effort has won several awards. For example, in 2022 an independent jury of the Vivofácil Foundation (formerly the Alares Foundation) chose knowmad mood as a finalist in the Alares 2022 Awards for its promotion of work-life balance and co-responsibility with employee’s personal life.

As a result of this award, the magazine Capital Humano rated knowmad mood as “the large company with the best work-life balance plans”. It has also received the medal for the Best Health Project in the Company and Health Awards of Digital HR.


CSR at knowmad mood: People first.

Regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR), knowmad mood has also implemented several corporate volunteering and training programs with the Vivofácil Foundation. One of the recent initiatives has been the donation of office supplies for the Vivofácil Foundation team to use in their various workshops and training programs.

“As a socially responsible company, we are strongly committed to the social and labor integration of vulnerable groups. For this reason, from the Corporate Responsibility area at knowmad mood we support the work of Vivofácil and we get involved in the initiatives of their foundations, sharing their purpose. Our collaboration has given us the opportunity to join their effort to achieve a more sustainable and accessible future for all”.

Jessica Iglesias, Director of Marketing, Communications and Corporate Responsibility at knowmad mood.


knowmad mood & Vivofácil: The greatest collaboration.

knowmad mood has proven that corporate success and employee well-being can go hand in hand. Thanks to the partnership with Vivofácil, they were able to take their commitment to people well-being to the next level.

The results and the high level of employee satisfaction are the best proof that investing in employee wellness is the right decision for building a sustainable and prosperous future.

If you want to know more about how to boost wellness in your company, contact us and find out how Vivofácil can help you achieve it! You can do so by calling 912 750 555 or by sending an e-mail to info@vivofacil.com.